Kodashim study

Kollel Zichron Moshe is located in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ma'aleh HaZeitim, adjacent to the Temple Mount upon which the Beit HaMikdash stood.
You can not win the lottery without buying a lottery ticket. Similarly, the Chofetz Chaim said it is not possible to anticipate the Moshiach and rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash without doing anything to make it happen.
If, BE”H tomorrow the Beit HaMikdash would be rebuilt, would we know what to do? Would the Kohanim and Leviim know what their responsibilities are?
There is no doubt that the Geulah is near and that we need to prepare. One of the questions that is asked of us on the Day of Judgment in the World-to-Come is, did we anticipate the redemption? (Shabbos 31a). Even though we say three times a day, “ותחזינה עינינו בשובך לציון ברחמים" what do we actually do to make it happen?
Rabbi Yaakov Wolf took these questions to heart and seven years ago, with the encouragement of our generation’s Gedolim, the Kollel set as its goal to realize the vision of the Chafetz Chaim zt"l of producing Torah scholars thoroughly versed in the laws of Tractate Kodashim and able to teach these laws to the Kohanim. This is in preparation for the rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash speedily in our times. The Kollel scholars are presently studying the complex subject of the Korbanot and all its aspects. These scholars are summarizing those portions of Kodashim which they have completed in a publication entitled, Nayot BaRamah.
Hazal say that whoever deals or supports the study of Kodashim is considered as rebuilding the Beit HaMikdash! Unfortunately, Beit Midrash Zichron Moshe is one of the few places that learns this important tractate.
Quoting from a letter of the Chafetz Chaim we learn:
"There are indeed many individuals who are not able to learn or teach Torah but have been blessed by Hashem with prosperity. They are the ones in a position to support Torah scholars to learn and then teach the Temple service to the Kohanim. Certainly it is a great mitzvah for them to maintain such scholars to study these subjects with the Kohanim!"
[This was the reality in the time of the second Temple] "As we find in the Talmud Yerushalmi, chapter 4 of Shekalim, at the beginning of the period of the second Temple Israelite Torah scholars received wages from the Temple treasury, from the half shekel donations, to study the laws of Shechita, Kabala and Zerika (integral parts of the Temple service) with the Kohanim. This took place in their time when the half shekel was collected. However, in our time there is no Temple and no half shekel. It is therefore only proper that those with means support the Israelite Torah scholars so they can study the laws of the Temple service.
What great merit will accrue to them for having increased the study of Torah in Israel. Even more so, due to their efforts, they themselves will merit a part in the service that the Kohanim will perform later on; for it is they who made it possible, during the course of studying these laws, for the Kohanim to become expert and worthy of serving in the Beit HaMikdash!"
In order that our constant prayers for the building of the Temple be accompanied by sincere and practical preparations, we invite your participation in providing the means for the intellectual and spiritual opportunity to study Kodashim.
Click here to see recommendations from leading Rabbis such as Rabbi Ami Sternberg, Rabbi Asher Weiss, Rabbi Neventzal and Rabbi Dov Lior.
You can not win the lottery without buying a lottery ticket. Similarly, the Chofetz Chaim said it is not possible to anticipate the Moshiach and rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash without doing anything to make it happen.
If, BE”H tomorrow the Beit HaMikdash would be rebuilt, would we know what to do? Would the Kohanim and Leviim know what their responsibilities are?
There is no doubt that the Geulah is near and that we need to prepare. One of the questions that is asked of us on the Day of Judgment in the World-to-Come is, did we anticipate the redemption? (Shabbos 31a). Even though we say three times a day, “ותחזינה עינינו בשובך לציון ברחמים" what do we actually do to make it happen?
Rabbi Yaakov Wolf took these questions to heart and seven years ago, with the encouragement of our generation’s Gedolim, the Kollel set as its goal to realize the vision of the Chafetz Chaim zt"l of producing Torah scholars thoroughly versed in the laws of Tractate Kodashim and able to teach these laws to the Kohanim. This is in preparation for the rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash speedily in our times. The Kollel scholars are presently studying the complex subject of the Korbanot and all its aspects. These scholars are summarizing those portions of Kodashim which they have completed in a publication entitled, Nayot BaRamah.
Hazal say that whoever deals or supports the study of Kodashim is considered as rebuilding the Beit HaMikdash! Unfortunately, Beit Midrash Zichron Moshe is one of the few places that learns this important tractate.
Quoting from a letter of the Chafetz Chaim we learn:
"There are indeed many individuals who are not able to learn or teach Torah but have been blessed by Hashem with prosperity. They are the ones in a position to support Torah scholars to learn and then teach the Temple service to the Kohanim. Certainly it is a great mitzvah for them to maintain such scholars to study these subjects with the Kohanim!"
[This was the reality in the time of the second Temple] "As we find in the Talmud Yerushalmi, chapter 4 of Shekalim, at the beginning of the period of the second Temple Israelite Torah scholars received wages from the Temple treasury, from the half shekel donations, to study the laws of Shechita, Kabala and Zerika (integral parts of the Temple service) with the Kohanim. This took place in their time when the half shekel was collected. However, in our time there is no Temple and no half shekel. It is therefore only proper that those with means support the Israelite Torah scholars so they can study the laws of the Temple service.
What great merit will accrue to them for having increased the study of Torah in Israel. Even more so, due to their efforts, they themselves will merit a part in the service that the Kohanim will perform later on; for it is they who made it possible, during the course of studying these laws, for the Kohanim to become expert and worthy of serving in the Beit HaMikdash!"
In order that our constant prayers for the building of the Temple be accompanied by sincere and practical preparations, we invite your participation in providing the means for the intellectual and spiritual opportunity to study Kodashim.
Click here to see recommendations from leading Rabbis such as Rabbi Ami Sternberg, Rabbi Asher Weiss, Rabbi Neventzal and Rabbi Dov Lior.